Awards Night 2016

Maxanne Most and Tommy Andre

Maxanne Most and Tommy Andre

Photographs of Awards Night are presented in a slideshow at the end of this article. In addition to the academic awards presented during Awards Night, there are two Sturgis awards presented to four graduating seniors that merit special recognition: the William Sturgis Award and Sturgis Spirit Award. Full text of the William Sturgis and Sturgis Spirit Award presentations follow.

Welcome to the 2016 Awards Night

Comments by Paul Marble, Associate Director

Lauren Benedict and StudentsGood evening, and welcome – students, parents, faculty, family and friends – to Sturgis Annual Awards Ceremony. My name is Paul Marble; I am the Associate Director, and it is my honor and pleasure to say a few brief words to you at the beginning of tonight’s program.

This is one of my favorite events of the year because it is a celebration of our values – specifically the power of learning, growth, relationships and community. We hear faculty speak from the heart about their awareness and appreciation for our students, and we learn more about our students’ remarkable qualities of character.

Speaking of qualities, the IB Organization has ten IB Learner Profile Traits that represent 10 attributes valued by all IB World Schools. The IB believes these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities. Please join me in keeping some of these traits in mind: knowledgeable, inquirer, reflective, caring, balanced, risk-taking, communicator, thinker, principled and open-minded. I predict you will notice these traits in both the text and subtext of our faculty addresses.

AudienceTonight is about celebrating learning, growth, relationships and community, not about status and numbers. At Sturgis, we are quite intentional with our practices. We do not have honor roll; weighted Grade Point Averages; class rank; national honor society; valedictorians; salutatorians; nor many other traditional markers of success because we strongly believe that these types of markers inhibit – rather than promote – learning, growth, relationships and community. As you listen to the faculty’s addresses tonight for our class awards, college book awards and school-wide awards, please listen keenly for evidence and examples of what we do value

William Sturgis

William Sturgis

William Sturgis Award

The William Sturgis Award is given to one boy and one girl on each campus who, in the opinion of classmates and faculty, embody the positive attitude and exemplary conduct represented by the Sturgis Code of Conduct and Rules to Live By. Each of the William Sturgis Award winners will receive a $500 college scholarship sponsored by the Sturgis Parents Association.

Sturgis Code of Conduct and Rules to Live By

Be a person of integrity. Act honorably.
Be kind, polite, and caring at all times. Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
Strive for excellence without arrogance. Do your best.
Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want your parents to know about.
Respect the positions and ideas of those around you, even if you don’t like them. Keep an open mind.
Allow for imperfections in others; you’re not perfect yourself.
Tolerate honest mistakes from people that are doing their best.

Annalee May and Mathias Boyar

Annalee May and Mathias Boyar

Lead by example.
Speak well of others; gossip undermines human dignity.
Seek the truth in all matters.
Celebrate life with humor.
Live and learn, but teach others as well.

East Campus
Presented by Patrick O’Kane, Sturgis East Principal

Mathias Boyar

This student shows a true love of learning. He is polite, respectful and tries anything you throw at him. His smile is contagious and his positive attitude is uplifting to all around him. When he wants to accomplish something,  he is all in. One teacher summed it up by commenting, “there should be a dozen of him in every class.” This year’s William Sturgis Award goes to Mathias Boyar. Congratulations!

Annalee May

Faculty describe this recipient as a hard working young lady who is always curious to learn new things. She is dedicated, mature, thoughtful and humble. Her comments are always well considered and her observations thorough. She is a highly respected member of our school community. The William Sturgis Award goes to Annalee May. Congratulations!

West Campus
Presented by Jenn Kirk, Sturgis West Principal

Chris Parkin 

Althea Turley and Chris Parkin

Althea Turley and Chris Parkin

In addition to his outstanding skills as a student and musician, this student’s character is perhaps what sets him apart. He has been described as the most polite and kind student some of our teachers have ever taught. He notices when his fellow classmates are having a bad day and will offer them a kind word or simply listen as the person shares their challenges.  He is known for asking a lot of himself, being humble despite his numerous talents, being a role model, and being mature, conscientious and kind-mannered. He is an exemplary human being whom all his peers and teachers have learned from.  Just like the “Fiddler” who he played in in the classic musical, Fiddler on the Roof, this student is someone who prefers to look for the best in people and opportunities.

Congratulations! The William Sturgis Award goes to Chris Parkin.

Althea Turley

Jenn Kirk presents William Sturgis Award to Althea Turley

Jenn Kirk presents William Sturgis Award to Althea Turley

This student was described by Ms. Kelley as having an “omnipotent force for good around our school campus.”  She is a highly motivated, yet selfless learner. She squeezes every learning opportunity down to the last drop.  

Teachers have noticed that she seems to get as much out of contributing to the learning experience of others as she does from maximizing her own. She acted as a guardian of our precious school culture and has constantly found ways to make all students feel welcome.

At Sturgis where we value participation and access in athletics, she has positively contributed to our school’s culture by finding value, not in raising banners, but in investing in relationships with her teammates.

This student exhibits an exemplary sense of compassion, work ethic, and commitment, holding herself to the highest possible standard and conducting herself honorably even when she believes no one is looking.

What an honor it is to present the William Sturgis Award to Althea Turley.

Sturgis Spirit Award

The School Spirit Award is given to one boy and one girl who, in the opinion of classmates and faculty, contribute to fostering school spirit through their enthusiasm, positive attitude and concern for others both within and beyond the classroom. Each of the Sturgis Spirit Award winners will receive a $500 college scholarship sponsored by the Sturgis Parents Association.

East Campus
Presented by Patrick O’Kane, Sturgis East Principal

Deja Andrews

Deja Andrews

Deja Andrews  

This recipient of the School Spirit Award, I am told, is the first to volunteer, the first to try,  and the first to encourage others to try. She always has a positive attitude and a smile. Teachers describe her as motivated in class and friendly to everyone. For four years, Sturgis has been fortunate to enjoy the positive energy of Deja Andrews.

Sam Smith 

Sam Smith

Sam Smith

This recipient of the School Spirit Award has been described as gracious and compassionate. He has a joyful greeting for everyone – students and faculty. Others have describes him as a true role model for all. He welcomes new students warmly, making them feel comfortable right off the bat. One staff member summed it up nicely by saying, “He is a friend to everyone, regardless of grade.” What a treasure we have in Sam Smith.
West Campus
Presented by Jenn Kirk, Sturgis West Principal

Chad MacMillan

Spirit West

Chad MacMillan receives Spirit Award from Jenn Kirk

This student has been described by his peers as “one of the nicest kids around”. He always has a smile on his face and has something positive to say to everyone.

Mr. Pagenkopf described this student as truly one of the most polite, respectful and humble people he has ever taught.  He is a brilliantly talented student but is also a considerate leader who sparks the courage and intellect of his classmates.

He is among the first to offer assistance to a peer and never expects so much as a thank-you.  He does it because that’s just who he is. He volunteers as a peer tutor in math just to be able to give something back to our community. He lives his life as an individual and never feels the need to “follow the crowd”.  Instead, he does what he loves and the crowd usually follows him.  

Congratulations! The Spirit Award goes to Chad MacMillan.

Kit Palmer 

Spirit - Kit Palmer

Kit Palmer receives Spirit Award from Jenn Kirk

And now for the female recipient of the Spirit Award.

This student radiates enthusiasm. She has an innate curiosity to learn and a resourcefulness to hunt for answers that is unparalleled.

She expects the best from herself and others and is compassionate and eager to help. Regardless of the weather or her workload, she is first to respond to any request, first to cheer on her team, and first to volunteer to take care of anything for her peers or teammates.

Her presence on the field hockey field is a perfect demonstration of her overall character; she is unstoppable and fiercely dedicated to her goals. On the Habitat for Humanity trip last year she was the first one up and the last one to bed.  She exudes the type of spirit necessary to build community and inspires others to continue serving. She is one of a kind…she is unique and spirited…a true leader. Congratulations! The Spirit Award goes to Kit Palmer.

Congratulations and best wishes to all!

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